Corsalonga, a Rodeo made in Italy
Among this territory you can also attend events of International attraction such as the “Corsalonga”.
Located less than 15 minutes from our Farmhouse, horses run freely alongside cattle herds in a spectacular meadow, a truly special place where the country tradition is at home among its natural habitat.
Within this territory, midway between our country’s livestock trail and the far west setting of a country overseas, you can also attend events of international attraction such as the “corsalonga”, an event dedicated to the culture of an American style rodeo which attracts thousands of spectators and experts in the equestrian sector to the Highlands of Molise. Make the most of such a pleasant atmosphere with wide brimmed hats and cowboy boots enlivened by good music and country square dancing.
The Staffoli junction is very easy to reach. Once at the outskirts of Carovilli, proceed towards Agnone and turn left at County Road 86. After a few winding bends through the woods, the meadow and ranch shall appear to your left. Location reached!
– Difficoltà bassa
– Durata da 1 a 12 ore!
– Distanza 30 chilometri A/R
– Necessario bicicletta, motocicletta o automobile, stivali e cappello texano ma se non li hai puoi comprarli al tuo arrivo!